art marking & Exhibiting
1.Toy Soldier (After Grotz)
1.Toy Soldier (After Grotz)
1.Toy Soldier (After Grotz)
1.Toy Soldier (After Grotz)
1.Toy Soldier (After Grotz)
1.Toy Soldier (After Grotz)
Intaglio print (unique states)
Series in Art Making and Exhibiting titled ‘Toy soldier (after Grosz)Unit 4 Art Making and Exhibiting
2.Cartoon Chaos
Mixed media drawing on paper
Unit 4 Art Making and Exhibiting
Ashlyn Taylor’s, ‘Cartoon Chaos’ illustrates the concept of movement and human nature through the scenes of familiarity, war and nostalgia which strongly represents the qualities of childhood cartoons present in the background as it guides down to a girl sitting alone this showcases domestic life and personal wars. The plain white background reflects the idea of concept designs for fictional characters and how cartoonists always attempt to redraw, reflect and redesign their characters to perfection to make sure the target audience enjoys the illustration of lively animation, Taylor wanted to reflect on that thought of holding, letting go and trying again through childhood cartoons and childhood trauma that strongly influenced her upbringing.
The artwork was created so many could pick it apart and reflect on the many different cartoon characters. The art pieces emptiness of a white void works towards the clarity of growing up and looking back on cartoons (then complaining about how they don’t make ‘em like they use to) Taylor attempted to create the image of how key factors in childhood develop and as you get older your influence of entertainment changes.
The art piece shows the use of water colours that guide across the paper to add the brightness to the white page represents the tears shed through her experiences and how the distractions of cartoons guided her through it showcasing joy and pain. Taylor’s use of these characters hold meaning and portrays how she found comfort in the most damaging situations. Taylors presentation of Cartoon Chaos is a perfect example of how many cartoons leave an imprint on people whether it's for better or worst with the most terrifying of characters later on being the most favourable.