Curatorial Rationale
The concept surrounding my body of work revolves around the idea of windows and interpersonal connection. This is explored through my exhibition by evaluating human relationships, and the global community as most of my works are inspired by my travels, and my connection with family. In addition, I have used these aspects to explore my ideas of transparency and human connection despite distance. The voyeuristic detail into daily life through windows depicts the vast variety in lifestyles and nature of humanity. I used a range of artforms, primarily focusing on digital media,photography and three-dimensional models to represent personal experiences in various cultures and locations overseas. My exhibition has a large focus on photography and multi-media and American photographer Gail Albert Halaban has been a large inspiration for me. Her photography focuses on voyeuristic landscapes which create visual narratives through an intimate glance into peoples’ lives around the world. My centre piece in the exhibition is a digitally manipulated photography piece ‘Glass Generations’. It features my grandmother and baby cousin, which represent a familial, domestic space in front of windows within a vibrant apartment complex. The photos were taken in Beijing, China, and digitally edited together in photoshop. The windows present both the interior and exterior of the space and represent different walks of life. This idea is repeated within my other artworks too. My artwork connects different cultures, lifestyles and countries, and it is seen through my Intaglio prints also. The tryptic focuses on the streets of London, inspired by original photographs which were engraved and printed. The diptych reflects faith in daily life, as stained-glass windows are representative of Christianity and Catholicism, hence my depictions of Westminster Abbey, London and the Duomo, Florence. Much of my work has been inspired by my own travels, with this exhibition featuring artworks inspired by China, England, Italy, etc. The photograph from Beijing, China and Inner Mongolia are the majority, due to familial connections. The aspect of windows and architectural structures in these works is the overarching visual and symbolic connection, which hold the underlying symbolism of transparency and division.
4. Glass Generations (detail)
4. Glass Generations
Stained Faith (diptych) detail
Stained Faith (diptych) detail
1. London Eyes
The Green in Grey
Through Yonder Window
Installation view
6. Concrete Dusk