design statement
Creek Wall
Easycast resin and 3D printed parts
Unit 3 and 4 Product Design and Technology
SAT Folio and Product
The need and opportunity of this product is that it needs to be connected together but also needs to be some what flexible so that when the higher waters come the wall is able to push against the bank of the creek allowing it to protect the earth underneath the wall. The function of the wall is to stop erosion from happening at the creek bank/wall and to help to keep trees from falling into the creek and causing damage to the area. The end users of the product are two property owners; a water authority worker and visitors that are interested in helping to design something to help to solve the problem. They also know the area that the product is going to go in. They know what types of risks that the people that are living in the area are facing. They are in between the age of 20 and 50 years old. The ethical considerations that are being made for this product are the materials are going to be ethically sourced with people paying their workers a fair wage and they are not using harmful materials to make their product. The product lifecycle is that the product needs to be able to last a long time as a good wall to protect homes and the surrounding area. This means that the materials need to be of a good quality allowing for the product to serve its purpose. The context of the situation is that every time that the creek floods trees and rocks and parts of earth get swept away from the creek, threating homes and businesses, risking them to fall over into the creek and damaging the environment even more.