art marking & Exhibiting
charlize H
1.Celestial Reflections
1.Celestial Reflections (detail)
1.Celestial Reflections (installation view)
1.Celestial Reflections (detail)
1.Celestial Reflections
Installation of laser cut plastics and lighting
Unit 4 Art Making and Exhibiting
Inspired by her previous unit 3 artworks, the artwork is intended to reflect a Greek mythology zodiac story. Her installation embodies the characteristics of growth, transformation, and rebirth. The top fluffier section of the design is intended to reflect a connection to the heavens where the gods of the worlds reside. Using the strings of stars constellations as representations of the strings of life, with the small glowing lights within the clouds representing the celestial bodies of time spinning down the zodiac stories into the night sky. Charlize has created her own interpretation of the zodiac designs using a recurring motif of stylised eyes as her visual language. All the eyes throughout of all the zodiac characters are to attract and connect with the viewer and create a sense of an intertwined community.
A golden mirror acrylic material, was chosen to etch zodiac characteristics and by displaying their own physical reflection, views are refracted through the installation. Her decision to include the circular white and golden edged mirror located below the floating body, was inspired by one of her favourite phrases: ‘water carries memory.’ a phrase which depicts the notion of time holding onto us within its variety of forms from above in the clouds, to down below in the seas.